

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Integral Theory is a compilation of pre modern, modern and postmodern thought and existential realities based on the work of Ken Wilber and is a derivative of the combined works of Sri Aurobindo and Jean Gebser.

Integral Theory has evolved over the last several years and has a central theme of four quadrants basically now known as the AQAL model (All quadrants and all lines).

This relational four draw filing cabinet takes into consideration internal and external factors which coupled with the singular and plural aspects of its description produces the following four quadrants.

Upper Left which is known is the intentionality quadrant, the why and wherefore explanation of internal thought dynamics in the singular aspect of an individual which espouses personal interests attitudes and values.

Upper Right which is known as the behavioural quadrant which is the observable demonstrated behaviour which again is individual and tangible and physical

Lower Left which is known as the pluralistic culture or world view quadrant. This quadrant is the collective quadrant of the culture or individual parts that show the world view aspect

Lower Right which is known as the collective behavioural quadrant called systems or systemic or social aspect.

Integral Theory is a synthesis of thought that combines these elements and correlates the effect that each quadrant has on each other. It is basically a philosophy that takes all things into consideration so that an overriding context is given to all hypotheses of investigative and conclusive thought assumptions.

Since its inception it has been applied to integral politics, integral psychology, integral medicine, integral business practices, integral art, integral ecology, integral yoga, integral health, integral leadership and integral spirituality.

As it has evolved over the last few years, many other academics and researches have begun to contribute to its makeup and viability as a classification and research and model for understanding the many paradigms of human nature.

The vast integral framework is being heralded as a panacea for many of life’s yet unanswered questions however it is simply an opportunity to integrate the past and the present and help point possible solutions or predictive outcomes for the future giving us a powerful tool for analysis and understanding of human behaviour and potential.

There is much written on the subject and one can begin their research through the internet and a good place to start for a more comprehensive overview would be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_theory

I have included here some overview and a video on how it can be applied to business. For a more in depth understanding of its application and uses a good place to start is to read Ken Wilber’s book A brief history of everything and Integral Psychology. Ken has written many books and it is by no means yet completely defined however now there are many YouTube videos and articles on the net for investigation and also now the cross pollination of integral Theory with Spiral Dynamics and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Feel free to take these resources and investigate the findings of Ken and many other contributors which embrace the teachings of epistemology, ontology and methodology. Although speculative in some areas this emergent theory is both provocative and insightful.

The methodology is important and is a constructed Meta – Theory that attempts to explain how academic disciplines and every form of knowledge and experience fit together coherently.

The AQAL Theory – Lines are implied as present in each quadrant, arising as distinct developmental domains, capacities or attributes.

Some examples of the lines in each quadrant are as follows.

Lines in the Upper Left quadrant concern the development of individual skills, capacities and intelligences as well as cognitive, self-identity, interpersonal, moral, emotional, aesthetic, kinaesthetic, spiritual and much more.

Lines in the Upper Right are related to physiological development, nervous system, endocrine system, behavioural development and task complexity.

Lines in the Lower Left are indicators of world-view, intimate relationship, development of a ‘we’, linguistic semantics, cultural values.

Lines in the Lower Right are indicators of techno-economic modes of production, physical systems, species, modes of transportation, economic exchange systems, geo-political systems, linguistic structures.

Each line can be more understood by some simple questioning as we go about unfolding our lives.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The many themes of application are prolific and are being added to all the time. Integral Theory is a legacy that Ken Wilber has created which has provoked modern thought to the extent that many new comers to the real are adding new distinctions all the time. The main thing is that finally we have a contextual map that helps us see things from all angles rather than a single biased perspective. I use segments and integral thinking in many of my coaching and business situations. I find that as we step into new frontiers having a complete or close as currently possible map of past present and postulated future gives me a decided advantage over previous thinking.

Find out for yourself and dig deeper into this new and innovative subject and see how much more insightful your findings are and also discover the enhanced benefits of a navigational process of understanding. Then apply these findings to your life where applicable and see how much more conscious of your world and surroundings you have become.


Integral Alignment Model

This particular model demonstrates how the individual needs to be aligned with the organizations, values, purpose, mission and vision.
It also shows how the culture also should be congruent and aligned and on purpose and how the systems need to be supportive of both the cultures desired outcomes and the support of the individuals ability to fulfil on mission and vision.

Integral Theory has many deep aspects to it, however in its simplest form it is a holistic approach to the values and internal spiritual essence and the physical manifestation or causation of the intentionality of both individuals and organizational cultures.

This diagnostic model allows a proficient exponent of Integral perspectives to preform high value consulting and intervention into flailing and sick organizations and also micro and macro levels of business, societal interventions and even relationship or family therapy.

The applications of this model and integral theory are multiple and many new applications are being created each day.
For further information on the model and its applications feel free to contact me.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]