
Mana Youth Resources

One of my major passions alongside youth mentoring is using my creativity to concept, develop and implement innovative and actionable resources to use in my work.

Within the MANA Youth Project framework, Personal Strengths are a major factor of discovery. And flexing our strengths is one of the most important parts of building confidence and personal power. As a mentor. I am no different and I practice what I preach.

Over time I have developed quite a few projects aimed at various complex issues within the community.

This section of the website will make some of those resources available to the local and global communities so that anyone, anywhere can use them to improve the lives of others. The main reason for this is to create a call-to-action to anyone and everyone to take a stand, form collective action groups in their schools or social groups, or individually, and create an antithesis to a reliance on local governments, council and service providers.

The Philosophy of this grass-roots movement is:

“If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?”

You can browse and download all our resources from the MANA Youth Project Website: www.manayouthproject.com/resources

(When utilizing these resources please give MANA Youth Project some recognition)


Rick Boland

Mentor at MANA Youth Project